Cris Cunningham - Photographer
Cris's interest in photography began with her fascination of the most amazing photos of her favorite bands on stage. Between her love of music and the raw emotion in such candid shots, it stirred an interest in her to learn the art of photography. She became accredited with the New York Institute of Photography and earned a press pass to cover various music festivals. Over the years, she was able to photograph some of the biggest names in the business.
For several years, she also worked as a freelance wedding photographer. She dabbled in other avenues of the art, but found her true niche the day she realized she could merge photography with another of her passions; architecture and home design. Working with Portraits of Home, Cris has photographed thousands of homes in the Chicagoland area. She loves nothing more than walking into a home for the first time and seeing the beauty that's just waiting to be brought out through her lens.
In her spare time Cris enjoys reading, restoring old photos, music, and taking candid photos of her family and friends at gatherings.